Meet The Groomers
Get Groomer Tracker for Android and Iphone and follow your favorite club as they groom live or where they have been in the last 48 hours. The fee per club you want is $10 half of which goes back to that club.
These are the people who climb into a groomer each night during the season and usually don't stop until the early hours of the morning. They are all 100% unpaid volunteers willing to do what needs to be done to keep everyone enjoying the trails safe. Not only do they commit their time in the winter months, but they also spend many hours and days during the summer addressing hazardous situations, Signing the trails, maintenance of the equipment, Maintenance of the tools and the building, and so much more. There is no end to the dedication of these volunteers. Without them we would not be able to even have the trails we have today. Want to get involved send an email to Ross stating your name and what type of involvement your interested in to
President: Ross Abraham
Vice President/Trail Boss: Ron Hendrick
Treasurer/Groomer: Rich Erdlitz
Secretary: Kim Abraham
Groomer: Al Martin
Groomer: Don Reed
Groomer: Doug Ginnever
Groomer: Mark Noble
Groomer: Jared Trogden